The Secret to Building a Financially & Clinically Rich Private Practice?

Market Like The Therapist That You Actually Are

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Psychotherapists persist in believing that they suck at marketing, rather than acknowledge the underlying truth:

You’re actually a marketing genius disguised by your oversized cardigans and empathetic head nods. 


Your resistance to marketing is hindering your psychological growth, nevermind financial security and clinical satisfaction

And yes, I get it. You like to pretend your resistance is maturity rather than resistance. Take that shit to therapy and keep reading.


Marketing is only hard in the ways you make it hard. Marketing is simply a relationship between you and the people you're meant to serve...

Commit to market with depth, even when it scares the shit out of you.


Psychotherapists persist in believing that they suck at marketing, rather than acknowledge the underlying truth:

You’re actually a marketing genius disguised by your oversized cardigans and empathetic head nods. 


Your resistance to marketing is hindering your psychological growth, nevermind financial security and clinical satisfaction

And yes, I get it. You like to pretend your resistance is maturity rather than resistance. Take that shit to therapy and keep reading.


Marketing is only hard in the ways you make it hard. Marketing is simply a relationship between you and the people you're meant to serve...

Commit to market with depth, even when it scares the shit out of you.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

A therapist walks into a Facebook group ready to learn how to market and poses what seems like an innocent question.

“Anyone have suggestions about how to market my private practice?”

Cue the most subtly shaded judgment on the internet, cloaked as ‘helpful suggestions.’

The list of ‘must-do’s’ seems never-ending:

  • SEO optimize your non-existent website (and get on a minimum of six therapy directory profiles)

  • Network with cash pay providers (nevermind that they’re too busy to respond to your cold emails)

  • Start an Instagram / TikTok / Facebook page, and just watch the referrals come rolling in (well, when you have enough time to look up from the constant churn of creating posts)

(The list goes on longer than the CAQH application you keep circling back too as a kind of last resort).

This, my new internet friend, is what masquerades as free marketing advice.

And I gotta tell you, most free marketing advice is shit. 

Not because the strategy is bad (though sometimes it is), but because the question, “what do I do?” is rarely if ever preceded by the inquiry, “can you tell me more about who you are and what it is you want?”

you deserve more than just strategy...

You deserve attunement.

And so do your potential clients. 

Here’s the snag.

You’ve bought into the black and white thinking that says marketing only works for those who prefer to keep it simple and surface-level.

(AKA, “Can I have ‘Common Therapist Cognitive Distortions’ for $800, Alex?”)

(AKA, “Can I have ‘Common Therapist Cognitive Distortions’ for $800, Alex?”)

Marketing isn’t shallow.

Some people who market are shallow

Marketing isn’t unethical.

Some people who market are unethical.

Marketing isn’t manipulative.

Some people who market are manipulative.

Marketing isn’t shallow.

Some people who market are shallow

Marketing isn’t unethical.

Some people who market are unethical.

Marketing isn’t manipulative.

Some people who market are manipulative.

So it stands to reason, if you are a person with depth and integrity, who is seeking to attune rather than exploit, your marketing will reflect your depth, integrity, and compassion.

The real problem isn’t

that marketing is sleazy...

It’s that you haven’t had a guide to show you how to market with imaginative compassion and compelling curiosity…

It’s that you haven’t had a guide to show you how to market with imaginative compassion and compelling curiosity…

Oh hey there...

I’m Jenn by the way.

A relational, psychodynamically oriented, attachment-based loving, Jungian concept adoring, and existential thinking psychotherapist.

(Also known, to the dismay of my Theories of Psychology professor, as an eclectic therapist from the word jump).

More relevantly for you, I’ve learned how to market the ineffable, through a strange mix of online courses, ALL the Seth Godin books (among countless others), and weekly individual and group therapy.

But I didn’t start that way. It began as many things do in my life as a sense of overwhelm and a desire to find containers that would hold me as much as they would hold others.

How I Turned My Feelings of Marketing Overwhelm Into a Simple System

I sat at my dining room table, with about fifty post-it notes spread out in front of me each representing a task or project I had to do before striking out on my own. 

Newly licensed, and I was already burned out by all the marketing the experts said I had to do. 

I just wanted to see clients who longed to do deep, long-term work. But sitting around just waiting for people to find me via Psych Today wasn’t working. 

And yet, looking at that pile, marketing seemed like a Herculean task. How was I ever going to have time to do ALL those things?

I didn't figure it out quickly.

It took years of trying & failing before I discovered what worked for me. 

When I finally came out the other side (to a full, premium fee practice that generates over $200K a year and new clients whenever I need them). I wish I had known that I only really needed three of those post-its to build my dream practice. 

I don’t want you to have to take as long as I did to discover the marketing strategy that works for you. I am passionate about teaching depth-oriented psychotherapists how to market themselves in a congruent, compelling, and consistent way.

And the first step is having a simple and customized marketing strategy. 

Market like the therapist you are

Enter the Marketing Roadmap

Your Business Needs…

Marketing with Depth

The marketing roadmap for psychotherapists who long to build a practice rich in depth and financial security without giving up their nights and weekends to do so.

Each moment you invest will save you time and money in the future, by honing your focus on what you need and want to learn to grow the practice of your dreams.


Learn core marketing principles that illuminate the marketing tasks you need to take (and those you can leave behind)

Map out a simple marketing strategy that doesn’t steal your nights and weekends with never ending task lists…

Tap into your clinical skills so you can show up as ethically and compassionately in your marketing as you do in the consult room

Build a solid foundation for your dream business so you can focus your time and energy on the work you really love: exploring the mysteries of the psyche…

What’s Inside the Course

HINT: A Business Transforming Adventure, if You’re Willing to Take the Risk

REFLECT on mutuality

Tap Into Your Well-Honed Relational Skills

Too often we want to dive deep before developing a solid understanding of the basics. Just like skillful psychotherapists need foundational listening and assessing skills, in order to be a skillful marketer, you need an underlying grasp of core marketing skills. 

YOU'LL BE HELD: as you discover that the marketing relationship offers a safe, potentially healing container for you AND your right fit clients.

INVEST in the relationship

Give Yourself the Gift of Going Deep

It’s vital to understand clearly who you are, what you offer, and what your worth (not your price) is. And you need an equally deep understanding of who you want to work with, what they need, how they struggle, and what their potential for transformation is. 

YOU'LL UNCOVER: what you and your ICA need as you embark on the journey to meet each other.

TRUST your intuition

Market Like a Therapist by Taking Attuned Action

Each step of the marketing process is a step in building the relationship. Your future clients don’t go on this journey alone, when you find ways to engage with them along the way, you build rapport that allows you to dive deeper sooner with them.

YOU'LL CREATE your marketing roadmap that provides clarity about the obstacles and stunning vistas that await you.

What’s Inside the Course

HINT: A Business Transforming Adventure, if You’re Willing to Take the Risk

REFLECT on mutuality

Tap Into Your Well-Honed Relational Skills

Too often we want to dive deep before developing a solid understanding of the basics. Just like skillful psychotherapists need foundational listening and assessing skills, in order to be a skillful marketer, you need an underlying grasp of core marketing skills. 

YOU'LL BE HELD: as you discover that the marketing relationship offers a safe, potentially healing container for you AND your right fit clients.

INVEST in the relationship

Give Yourself the Gift of Going Deep

It’s vital to understand clearly who you are, what you offer, and what your worth (not your price) is. And you need an equally deep understanding of who you want to work with, what they need, how they struggle, and what their potential for transformation is. 

YOU'LL UNCOVER: what you and your ICA need as you embark on the journey to meet each other.

TRUST your intuition

Market Like a Therapist by Taking Attuned Action

Each step of the marketing process is a step in building the relationship. Your future clients don’t go on this journey alone, when you find ways to engage with them along the way, you build rapport that allows you to dive deeper sooner with them.

YOU'LL CREATE your marketing roadmap that provides clarity about the obstacles and stunning vistas that await you.



Who Are You?

YOU'LL CREATE: A simple and brief identity that will help you identify what you have to offer to your ideal clients.


Who Are They?

YOU'LL DIVE DEEP: Into my step-by-step case conceptualization, using your clinical skills to uncover your ideal client avatar.


Marketing Roadmap

YOU'LL CRAFT: Your twelve month marketing roadmap, prioritizing what needs to be done and how to know if it works.



Who Are You?

YOU'LL CREATE: A simple and brief identity that will help you identify what you have to offer to your ideal clients.


Who Are They?

YOU'LL DIVE DEEP: Into my step-by-step case conceptualization, using your clinical skills to uncover your ideal client avatar.


Marketing Roadmap

YOU'LL CRAFT: Your twelve month marketing roadmap, prioritizing what needs to be done and how to know if it works.

I HIGHLY recommend Jenn for anything and everything related to content marketing for therapists.

Jenn is smart, attuned and highly skilled at guiding you, as a therapist in private practice really SPEAK the clients you are the most passionate about and excited to serve.

If you actually want to write in a way that allows you to charge premium fees while doing your best work and attracting individuals who are already eager and ready to invest in working with you from the moment they get on that phone consultation, then I definitely recommend you work with Jenn - basically, like, yesterday.

Tiffany McLain, founder of The Lean In. MAKE BANK. Academy

Jenn’s the perfect person to help clinicians attune to their own inner marketing styles.

She is hands down the realest person I know. Pair that with her innate talent for words and you get just the right amount of magic. Everything Jenn puts out into the world is authentic and it’s this sincerity that has served her so well in her multiple businesses.

Marissa Lawton, Side Hustle Strategist & Host of Empathy Rising Podcast

Marketing With Depth:

The Roadmap for Therapists who Long to Build a Practice Rich in Depth & Financial Security 

  • Marketing Is A Relationship (Value $297)

  • Between Two People (Value $297)

  • Who Go on a Journey Together (Value $297)

  • Who Are You? Brand Identity (Value $197)

  • Who Are They? ICA Discovery (Value $197)

  • 12 Month Marketing Road Map (Value $197)

Total Value = $1500

Regular Price = $197

Today’s Price = $97

Do I really need a custom built marketing strategy? Wouldn’t it be quicker to just copy what works for someone else?


Look, I’m going to be real with you: no, you don’t need a customized marketing strategy. But after you start to dip your toe into marketing your practice, you’re probably going to want one. 

People spend too much time and money trying to copy what works for other people, and even if they achieve “success” they often find that they’ve built someone else’s dream practice, not their own.

I want you to have a strategy that takes into consideration who you are and what you want for your therapy practice. 

When you take these things into account from the beginning, you end up saving a lot of money and time, both of which you can use to fund your next vacation instead of paying off yet another coaching program. 

How long will it take me to create a strategy? And how do I

know if it’s the ‘right’ one?


Once you’ve made your way through the course materials, it shouldn’t take you longer than 30 minutes to craft your strategy. 

A shocker, I know. But creating a strategy isn’t the same as implementing it. Implementation will obviously take you longer, but my goal is for you to spend a maximum of two hours a week / eight hours a month implementing your marketing strategy.

In terms of knowing whether your strategy is the ‘right’ one, the course will walk you through the great art of not bullshitting yourself. You’ll have the opportunity to get real about what you do and don’t want to do in building your practice. 

Which means, whatever you pick will be right, as long as you stick with it.

How long do I have access to the course?



You have on-going access to this course! Which means that you can strategize for the upcoming year, and come back next year if you need a refresh or want to switch up your strategy.

Should we decide to shut it down or move to another platform, you will be given a minimum of three months' notice, so you can download all the materials and videos.

Jenn helped me represent myself without changing my theoretical orientation or making promises that felt inauthentic.

She helped me to see I could speak to my ideal client in a human way that was poetic and earnest about the work I do without the clinical jargon getting in the way.

I stand out in my marketing with my direct and honest voice calling forth the clients who will benefit the most from working with me, which is exactly what I wanted to build my dream practice. Jenn is beyond helpful and has a talent for crafting expression in a way that will illuminate your work as a therapist.

Holly Anderson LCMFT, LMFT

Working with Jenn helped me gain more clarity about who I am and validity about who I am as a person, as a therapist, and that those don’t feel so separate anymore.

Jenn is very genuine. Doesn’t feel superficial at all. Doesn't feel salesy. She really want to help and you really cares.

Maggie Evans, MA LMHC, ATR-B, Owner of Spokane Art Therapy

Time is of the essence.

For you and your ideal client. 

So stop stalling in your own neurotic fears, and

bring yourself forward. 

Your clients are waiting for you.

So stop stalling in your own neurotic fears, and

bring yourself forward. 

Your clients are waiting for you.

I highly recommend you avail yourself of the opportunity to learn this language from Jenn, who speaks it better than anyone.

Jenn has actually done what most of us set out to do: She built a thriving business through the power of the internet, making herself heard over the din of therapists scrambling to get established. How did she do it? Jenn knows a language that many of us haven't yet learned or mastered: the language of telling the truth about yourself in a way that is both authentic to the kind of work you want to do and highly resonant with the clients you want to see.

-Nick Bognar, LMFT

Jenn continually impresses me with her thoughtfulness, keen intelligence, and ability to apply both her spiritual and academic talents to being a highly successful private practice therapist.

Her ability to extract and communicate the deeper meaning of our work, combined with her natural business sense, gives her a unique skillset to share with those of us who struggle to talk confidently and clearly about what we do.

Linzy Bonham, Founder of Money Nuts & Bolts

Marketing With Depth:

The Roadmap for Therapists who Long to Build a Practice Rich in Depth & Financial Security 

  • Marketing Is A Relationship (Value $297)

  • Between Two People (Value $297)

  • Who Go on a Journey Together (Value $297)

  • Who Are You? Brand Identity (Value $197)

  • Who Are They? ICA Discovery (Value $197)

  • 12 Month Marketing Road Map (Value $197)

Total Value = $1500

Regular Price = $197

Today’s Price = $97

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